Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Where i've been, Covid-19

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and safe in this crazy time! It's been a very long time since I logged into this account, and OMG so much has changed.So I think the best thing to start off with is give a little update on my situation.  Lets just start off with Covid-19 and what a massive shit show this year has been because of it. Im sure a lot of you can relate, your life being on track and then all of a sudden your world has been flipped upside down, that is what has happened to me, BUT, I'm so happy that I can finally see some of the positives that have come from all of this.

If you have read some of my older post, you will know that I was working for a major long haul airline, living my best life all over the globe, that was until Rona came and ruined all the fun!! I was made redundent from my dream job! No more flying, no more partying, no more exploring. It was hard, probably one of the hardest things I have gone though, might sound dramatic, but I was living my childhood dream, and It was all of a sudden snatched away from me, compeltly out of my control. It took me a long time to come to terms with the loss of my job, but after a lot of self development, I can now see that actually I think it was my time to stop. Do you know how amazing it feels to finally get seven full nights of sleep a week?! Not being jetlagged, bloated, missing freind and family, events, I am finally starting to see all the positives of life that I misseed out on when I was flying. The routines that I always craved I finally have, Gym, sleep, eating, I finally feel healthy and more happy than I ever was when flying. 

I am very lucky in all of this madness to have found an amazing oppurtunity, working from the comfort of my own home, and I am so excited to get stuck in and learn something new. Don't get me wrong, flying will forever hold a special place in my heart, but for now I am so excited to see what else life has in store for me, a new adventure and a brand new chapter. If you are one of my fellow dollies reading this, take it from me, there is more to life than flying! It may be hard to think that now, but I promise you from someone who flew from the age of 18, you will be okay, and you will find a new place in the wolrd. It just takes time and kindness to youself.

I can't wait to get stuck back into this blog! I feel so free to do whatever the hell I want, and this is one of them, so keep and eye out for more posts, because they will be coming! 

Lots of love,

Beth xox


Monday, 15 October 2018

Lazy trip in LA

Hello to whoever is reading this. I am so sorry I haven't posted in over 6 months, that truly makes me a crappy blogger! However I am back! I feel so excited to start blogging again, and this time I really want to take it more seriously. I have had some of the most amazing trips the last couple of weeks and want to share them with you all. So keep your eyes peeled as there will be a lot more content appearing on my blog over the next couple of weeks.

Today's post is about my most recent trip to Los Angeles. I haven't had a trip to LA in over 2 months, which is crazy for me as I used to go all the time as it was always my preference! I checked into Heathrow airport at 10:30am, and had my usual crew room snack of a large soya milk coffee and my favourite fruit pot from Pret. We completed the briefing and headed out to the aircraft, we flew on a 787-9 dreamliner to LA, my all time fav aircraft as it has the comfiest crew rest!!

After a very long 11 hours, we landed into LAX, and endured the long 2 hour bus ride to our hotel in Glendale. Glendale is such a lovely area to stay in, there is a supermarket right across the road from the hotel and just down the street there are tonnes of amazing shops, and the cheesecake factory, which is basically the best place on earth.

After a quick shower I met up with my lovely crew and we headed to the cheesecake factory for some dinner. It was such a lovely evening getting to know the girls, but by the end of the night we were all super dead and ready to catch some major Z's.

I woke up at about 5am, bloody jet lag! I was so tired before the trip that I decided to have a super chilled day of shopping, reading and gyming, which was so nice as I tend to do loads when I come to LA, so a relaxing trip is just what I needed.

I met up with the girls again that evening, we all got glammed up and got an uber into West Hollywood to have dinner at a place called Catch. This restaurant is apparently very popular with celebs, so we all had our eyes peeled in case any of the Kardashians walked in!! We had the best sushi and truffle fries! We ended the meal with the most amazing dessert, Catch's famous 'hit me cake'!

We then headed down the road to a place called Pump, for some drinks before ubering back to our hotel to fall into a food coma.

It was such a lovely chilled trip with fantastic crew! The next day I had the most amazing lie in and before I knew it, it was time to get ready and fly home to Heathrow.  Now time for 3 days off, before heading east to Shanghai!

Thanks for reading 


Sunday, 25 February 2018

My bliss ball recipe!

Hi everyone!

I have been a bit creative in the kitchen recently. I am currently going through what I guess you could call a fitness journey, and I am trying my best to fill my diet with wholesome and nutritional foods. I am a major snacker, so for me these energy balls are perfect for on the go, and fill me with healthy fats and protein that really do keep me going until my next meal! If you would like to know how I make these super yummy energy balls, keep on reading!

So there isn't really any super strict recipe when it comes to making these energy balls. As long as what you are putting in them are healthy whole foods, you can go crazy with the different ingredients and combinations! Below are the current ingredients I have been using.

1-2 Bananas (depending on size)
Chia Seeds
Almond Butter
Flaked Almonds
Rolled Oats
Honey/Maple Syrup
Coco Powder
Protein Powder (optional)

1. Begin by mashing your bananas in a bowl with a fork. You want them to be a smooth as possible, get all the lumps out.
2. Begin to add your ingredients. There is no 'proper' way to do this, use as much or as little as you would like and mix it all together! Just ensure the consistency is quite thick and sticky (by adding more oats) , you want your bliss balls to hold their shape.

3. Line a cupcake tin with cake cases, and begin to shape your mixture into ball shapes. I tend to use a teaspoon to measure out the mixture, just so that they end up pretty much all the same size.
4. Once you have shaped all of your mixture into balls, place the tray into the oven and bake for 10-15 mins (depending on whether you would like them softer or firmer) at 200'C.

That's all there is to it! I hope you enjoy this recipe, and give it a go. Let me know in the comments what you think, and how your bliss balls turned out!
Much love


Saturday, 24 February 2018

Catching zzz's (well, trying to)!

I don't know what it is recently, but I have been having a lot of trouble getting and staying asleep. I find that I over think at night and my brain is constantly active. I have been trying out a few different things to help me drift off when I find myself laying awake watching the time go by. If you are in the same boat as me, keep reading as I have my top 5 tips on how to get to sleep.

1. Get a glass of water. I find that I usually cant sleep or stay asleep because I am dehydrated, or getting dehydrated. Get up, stretch your legs, take a few sips of some ice cold water to refresh your body (only sips though as there is nothing worse than needing a pee throughout the night!).

2. Read a book. I find that reading really relaxes me, and stops me turning to my phone or computer, which tends to wake me up even more due to the screen light! Make it a habit to read a chapter or even just a couple of pages before you fall asleep, it distracts your mind and stops you from scrolling mindlessly though your phone.

3. Write a list. I find that the main reason I cant get to sleep is because I have so much whizzing around my mind keeping me up! Whether it is thinking about the day I just had, or stressing about all the things I have to do tomorrow. I find writing a to do list for the following day, or even just a list of the thoughts in my head, can stop me worrying about all the things I need to be doing or worrying about, write it down, forget it, and deal with it tomorrow.

4. Keep your room cool. Open a window or use a fan, for me I cant think of anything worse than trying to get to sleep in a stuffy hot room. 

5. Get up and do something! I can't stand laying in bed watching the hours go by, getting more annoyed and fidgety by the fact that I cant get to sleep. Get up and use some left over energy, clean, write, listen to music. Try to distract yourself from the fact that you can't sleep, and then when you feel tired settle down and relax. Try to stay off your screen though!.

I hope some of these tips help you get a restful and refreshing nights sleep. If you have any tips that I have no mentioned then please do leave them in the comments below, as I would love to read them. Thanks for reading and sweet dreams! 
Much love

Friday, 16 February 2018

March's Roster

Hi guys,

So I finally received my roster for March! My roster is usually published between the 13-15th of each month. There is always so much anticipation revolving roster day. My work whatsapp group is constantly buzzing, updating each other on when the rosters are expected and then once they are out, the excitement of what amazing destinations we have been given. I decided that I wanted to get some sun (and hopefully an amazing tan) in March, so I preferenced for Caribbean and longer trips. As crew we can put in requests for what trips we would like, there are options such as US east coast, west coast, far east and caribbean, which is what I picked. So here is what I was given for March:

St Lucia (shuttle to Tobago) - 2 Nights

Los Angeles - 2 Nights

San Francisco (one of my fav destinations!) - 2 Nights

Standby - 4 Days

I am so happy wit what I have been given! I haven't been to the west coast in ages, so it was a nice surprise to see both LA and San Fran on my roster. I will keep you guys updated on my trips and what I get up to! I am so excited to start blogging about the destinations, and hopefully taking some fab photos.

Thanks for reading!

Much love



To whoever is reading this, hello and welcome to my blog, and my first ever blog post. My name is Beth. I'm 22 and work as long haul cabin crew in the south of the UK. I'm obsessed with fashion/beauty, and of course anything and everything to do with travel! If you would like to see what I get up to and where I end up, then please do stick around. :)

Much love
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